The Love Hypothesis Book Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, I am back with another book review. This was recommended to me by one of my friends, and I'm so excited to share my thoughts. So, let's get into it!
I have read Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood, so the author's work is very familiar to me. I also really liked it, so when my friend had recommended The Love Hypothesis it seemed like a no brainer to read.
The story follows Olive, who is a third-year PhD candidate. She is trying to convince her best friend, Anh that it's perfectly okay for her to date Olive's ex-boyfriend. Adam Carlsen is considered a flight risk and the science program won't release his funds for his research. To solve both of their problems, Olive and Adam decide to fake date. That way Olive's friends can see that she has moved on from her ex and so Adam's funding is released.
I love the whole fake dating trope, and this was done so well. I've missed reading books with a broody male love interest. It always makes the book so much better in my opinion. And Adam was very broody. He was always so sweet with Olive though; he was always looking out for her and very protective.
Olive and Adam are easily one of my favorite book couples now. The chemistry was insane as I was reading the book. I loved their banter and playfulness with each other. It was cute.
The writing was also just so well done. The way Hazelwood would describe the clothes, the settings, it was really cool to read. And like with her last book there wasn't so much science talk that it took away from the story. It didn't make me feel dumb for not knowing what something was.
The chapters were kind of long but honestly I didn't mind it that much. It was overall, a really fast read at about 325ish pages. The book I had also had a bonus chapter which was cool. I love when there are add-ons at the end.
Overall, I really loved the characters. I love the fake dating trope. It's one of the best. I'm super excited for more Ali Hazelwood books; all the ones I've read have been 5/5 stars!
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post. As always thank you for reading:)