Reading Celebrity Books so You Don't Have to Pt.1

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, I have something really different from my usual content. I'm not much of a biography or memoir person, however, sometimes certain celebrities will spark my interest. I have two books I want to talk about today, both are people you should know or have at least heard of. This may become a new series on my blog! I feel like more people are getting into reading and writing these days which I love. So, let's get into it!
First, as you can tell by the cover image for this post, one of the books I want to talk about is Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey. Now, it's actually been awhile since I've read this. I believe December of 2020. It was right as I was graduating from college. I don't know why, but as soon as I heard he was writing a book I was immediately interested. Not only because I love his movies but he just seems like the type of person you can learn a lot from.
And that's 100% true. His book details a lot of his life lessons that he has learned not only in the movie business but growing up as well. I didn't know much about his personal life before reading this, but I have to say McConaughey is an extremely interesting person. He talks about growing up in Texas, getting into the movie business, what is was like being known for RomCom movies, how hard it was to break away from that, meeting his wife, etc. As someone who only knows a handful of his movies it's cool to learn about what it takes someone to get into the Hollywood movie scene.
I would definitely recommend especially if you're interested in his work. This book is very insightful. It's like your dad telling you about his childhood and giving you those cheesy but important life lessons.
The other book I want to talk about is Happy People are Annoying by Josh Peck. Now, I know this sounds totally random because I didn't even know Josh Peck wrote a book until about I heard about it on a podcast he was on. And again, for some reason I found this really intriguing. I didn't know much about him other than he was on "Drake & Josh" and only a few movies here and there. It was definitely an impulse buy. Although, this was a more recent read.
This is a memoir about his life and what it was like growing up with health and mental health issues. He spends a decent amount of time talking about his weight and weight loss and how he still struggled with body image issues even after he lost so much weight. He talks about his father and what his family situation was like growing up, he of course, mentions Drake & Josh and what it was like to be a child actor, he also mentions how it was hard to find roles sometimes.
Reading memoirs like this is kind of fun because you learn all these things you never knew before. And things start to make sense, for example, like why Peck took some time away from the big screen after "Drake & Josh" as well as how he lost so much weight. You also find out how he got started on Vine and moved to Youtube. I feel like him growing up is move relevant and relatable to someone my age than McConaughey because we experienced the changes Josh Peck did. Like the rise of social media, the creation of social media apps like Vine, the start of Youtube, what it means to be a social media influencer, etc. All those things were new to him as well, and it was cool to see how they had effected him.
Peck is pretty hard on himself throughout most of the book, but it's also very funny and witty. It's a short read. And I would recommend if you have any interest in him and what he has been up to!
Alright, folks! That's all I have for this week, come back next Wednesday for more content! As always, thank you for reading :)