Perfect Marriage Book Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, I am back with another book review. Ever since I read Home is Where the Bodies Are, I’ve been obsessed with Jeneva Rose’s books. Perfect Marriage is a book I always see on the shelves but for some reason I have never picked it up. Now that that has changed, let’s get into it!
Perfect Marriage follows husband and wife, Adam and Sarah Morgan. Sarah is a big hot shot attorney, the bread winner of the family. Adam is a struggling writer and jealous of his wife’s success. Adam is having an affair, and when his mistress is found dead in his lake house, he turns to Sarah for help. She becomes the defense attorney on his case, but she soon realizes maybe she made a mistake.
I cannot say enough good words about this book. It was everything I was looking for. I read this in less than a day. I knew the ending was going to turn everything upside down, and boy, was I right. If you’re looking for something to pull you out of a slump, a great thriller for the fall, etc. this is the perfect book.
The book ranges at about 330 pages, but it’s a quick and fast read. The chapters are short, and there is always something pushing you along to keep reading. This book is the definition of “one more chapter.”
I loved Sarah as a character. I loved the way she was painted—as someone who can take care of herself, stand up for herself, a strong, independent woman if you will. To see her take on this case for her husband, it was interesting to say the least.
Adam, on the other hand, was dumb as a brick. He made every poor choice you could imagine (to an extent). He really didn’t help his case. But the way he was written, his action, you can tell they were the actions of a desperate man. Which is perfect writing.
Overall, I would give this 5/5 stars. Two five-star ratings in a row…things are getting crazy. I am definitely going to be reading more Jeneva Rose books. I highly recommend checking this one out!
Alright folks, that is all for this week! Come back next Wednesday for another blog post. As always thank you for reading :)