Home is Where the Bodies Are Book Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog! Today, I am so excited to talk about this book. I truly didn't know what to expect, but the summary pulled me in right away. So, let's get into it!
Home is Where the Bodies Are follows three siblings, Beth, Nicole, and Michael. The three are reunited after losing their mother. After not seeing each other in years, it was time to face the music and plan a funeral. Things take a turn when the siblings find a VHS tape from twenty years ago exposing a murder of a little girl who went missing. From the tape, the siblings are able to gather that their parents covered up a crime. Confused and desperately wanting more information, the siblings aren't sure what to do with this new found information. What would happen if they don't agree on how to move forward? And worse, are there other secrets their parents are hiding.
I truly cannot say enough good things about this book. I couldn't put it down. I loved the entire concept of finding old "home videos" and uncovering something you shouldn't; I thought that was extremely unique and fun.
Overall, its a really quick read at less than 300 pages. The chapters are short, and there is plenty of action and mystery to keep you moving through the pages. We get the perspective of each sibling which I honestly liked because it was very easy to differentiate between them. I was able to pick out each sibling's personality.
I liked that we got a few journal chapters from the mom's pov as well. I liked seeing the turning point and how their actions affected their family. Its a deeper insight into the family because parents will shield their kids, but if you have the perspective of the parent...well then, you get to see first hand what is happening.
The last 50 pages had me on the edge of my seat. I was so zoned into the climax. I had a theory which I won't share because I ended up being right.
This was my first time reading one of Jeneva Rose's books, and I have to say I'm convinced to read more. I'm already looking at her other books.
Overall, I would give this 5/5 stars. This is a perfect book to pull you from a reading slump, and the perfect thriller to read in the fall;)
Alright folks, that is all I have for this week. Come back next Wednesday for another blog post! As always thank you for reading:)